Danielle LaPointe-McEwan, PhD, OCT

Danielle is an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University; Instructor and Student Engagement Coordinator for the online graduate program in Education; and an associate member of Queen’s Assessment and Evaluation Group.
Danielle has been involved in education for over 25 years as a classroom teacher, director of a private learning centre, educational consultant, educational researcher, program evaluator, and university instructor. She has been a member of the Ontario College of Teachers since 1995 (certified-J/I Mathematics, Special Education Specialist) and completed her PhD in the Assessment and Evaluation stream at Queen's Faculty of Education under the supervision of Drs. Don Klinger, Chris DeLuca, and Sue Fostaty-Young.
Danielle’s research focuses on enhancing professional learning outcomes for educators and students in the context of K-12 and higher education, with a particular focus on how educators use multiple forms of classroom and program data, including video, to inform their professional learning and practice. Over the past decade, she has led multiple education-based evaluation and research projects, working collaboratively with school districts, education networks, the Ministry of Education, and educational organizations to enhance valued outcomes for educators and students.
Danielle is actively involved in various research, program evaluation, course development, and writing projects, including a 3-year global teacher-led professional learning project in formative assessment with Education International, a SSHRC-funded research project on K-12 assessment innovation in Canada with AEG, and developing online micro-credential courses for eCampus Ontario. She regularly collaborates and publishes with members of AEG and mentors AEG students and graduates.